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task until 1 week after Jack starts. Or, perhaps on this 3-week task, Jack is assigned
for 120 hours, and Betty for 40 hours (half time for the last 2 weeks). Most sys-
tems will allow the user to input this level of detail.

   For class or skill assignments, you might simply assign 2 plumbers to the task.
But you can also specify that a third plumber plus a pipefitter will join the re-
source team for the second week of the task. The idea is to define the intended
work assignments so as to facilitate the computation of a resource-loading profile.

Evaluate Resource Demands At this point, I like to review the scheduled de-
mand on resources, without invoking any of the resource-leveling functions. The
CPM systems should be able to calculate the demand on each resource, for each
time period, and display this data in both graphic and spreadsheet formats. This
is sometimes called resource aggregation. In the graphic view, the defined avail-
ability is usually shown as a horizontal line, with the demand shown as vertical
bars or columns. It is easy to see where the bars rise above the availability lines,
indicating a resource overload. An advantage to the spreadsheet view is that you
may view several resources at once. The actual demand (loading) values will
change from black to red (in the typical system) when that value exceeds the de-
fined availability.

            Trap If the resource aggregation data show that there are
            extended periods of time when one or more resources are in a
            high overload condition, it would be a waste of time to con-
            tinue with the resource leveling utility. Resource leveling can-
            not manufacture resources for you. If the indicated overload is
            small or sporadic, it should be possible to eliminate the over-
            loads by such actions as shifting dates within float (done by
            the computer) or allowing some overtime (defined in the re-
            source database). But forecasts of extended periods of signifi-
            cant overloads will require other action.

Remedial Options What can you do if such a high impact overload exists? This
will depend on the particular situation and set of conditions. If time is of the
essence, something will have to be done about either the work or the assignment.
It is perfectly valid to re-examine the workscope and strategy in the areas where
resource support is hurting.

   The first line of action might be to seek alternative resources. If there is a pool
of resources available, in which some resources are underutilized, can any of
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