Page 178 - Untitled-1
P. 178

OPTIMIZED RESOURCE SCHEDULING                                      157

   In operation, the interactive window would pop up whenever a decision is re-
quired, showing the computer’s default recommendation and other options. An
interactive window of this nature was available in Time Line for Windows, as the
Co-Pilot feature. In addition to allowing the choice of the task to get the limited
resource, it would also suggest when activity splitting, stretching, or overtime
could be used, and allow the user to define the split or overtime parameters at
that time. Splitting or overtime could be set to automatic or discretionary, for any
task. However, this product is no longer available.

Trap No combination of resource scheduling optimization
capabilities can be assured of delivering the best results for
any situation. There are subtle conditions that cannot be
considered by any software, especially far in advance of the
assignment time. The various smoothing capabilities will
usually deliver better utilization of resources (on paper). But
the computerized solution might not actually represent the
best use of the resources. For instance, splitting assignments
on tasks could result in fragmentation of the effort, with
loss of efficiency or quality. Splitting and profiling functions,
if available, must be applied on a case-by-case basis, with ex-
pressed parameters.

   If enough resource information is available on the screen (perhaps in an op-
tional window) we might even offer the user the ability to substitute for a scarce
resource, on the fly.

   Isn’t this essentially what resource managers do on a project (or projects)?
They look at the planned schedule for the immediate future, and at the available
resources. They try to figure out the best way to get the necessary scheduled work
done, when required, within resource limits. When they find a situation that does
not support these criteria, they look at slipping tasks, using overtime, or reassign-
ing work to less loaded resources. Why shouldn’t we be able to provide them with
support for that process, within the software that they are using to develop the
project plans?

   Personally, I am a strong supporter of the use of computers for project plan-
ning and control. On the other hand, you just can’t beat the old weekly planning
meeting concept. When we had an important project, the project team met early
each Monday morning to firm up a plan for that week’s activities. We started
with an updated plan based on status as of the end of the previous week (usually
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