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THE BOTTOM LINE                                                  295


Some issues have come up in my readings and discussions that should be ex-
plored. One is some concern that these ERP systems can require considerable
consulting support before they are fully implemented. Another concern is the to-
tal cost for acquisition and implementation of an ERP system.

   ERP systems are not off-the-shelf software. The cost of taking the packaged
software and turning it into an operating solution can often exceed the base cost
of the bare software itself. Even the task of determining your needs, envisioning a
solution, and designing the solution may exceed the skills of your internal organi-
zation. This may motivate you to seek consulting support from the many firms
that specialize in this discipline. This is another source of considerable cost of a
PM/ERP solution.

Trap Software acquisition or licensing is but a small part of
the cost of ERP/PM systems. The larger segment, by far, is con-
sulting. But this may also be the key to successful system de-
sign and implementation.

The Bottom Line

As noted earlier in this chapter, the integration of project management and proj-
ect accounting tools and databases, by independent systems integrators, is neither
a new objective nor a new process. So we wondered what impact the emergence
of these new vendor-integrated, partnered systems would have on the market for
enterprise-wide system integrations. Perhaps the best answer comes from an e-
mail that I received from a consultant who had been earning his bread from
working on custom enterprise solutions. We quote:

   As far as I am concerned the Oracle Project/Artemis API integration is the
   future for Integrated Enterprise Project Management Systems—anyone
   who continues to pursue internal development in this area will be selling
   themselves and their Company short.

   We can probably substitute several names for the project management and ERP
software vendors mentioned in this chapter. The successful providers will be com-
panies who understand both the projects and operations side of the enterprise—
and who can work closely and enthusiastically to serve this emerging market.
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