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P. 352


How Does the Implementation of B2B Practices Impact on the Central
Project Office?

In our definition of the project office, the CPO (Central Project Office) has re-
sponsibility for best practices, policies, and procedures and integrated reporting.
Each will be affected by the new extended organization. The best way to look at it
is that the approved vendor relationships extend the organization to an extended
enterprise and a virtual organization. We believe that the construction of the B2B
will be driven by the buying organization.

What Do You See as Some of the Key Issues in the Area of B2B for PM
and IT/AD Projects?

   • Creating trust in the B2B.
   • Developing the policies and procedures for using it.
   • Extending best practices to include the virtual organization.
   • Training resource and project managers on when to use the B2B.
   • Accounting and billing practices in the new environment.
   • Maximizing the knowledge management and knowledge transfer.

What Do You See as Some of the Key Trends in the Area of B2B for PM
and IT/AD Projects?

   • Clearer definition of the buyer/contractor relationship.
   • New payment systems that do not include invoices.
   • Expanded management information systems.
   • Integrated project management, resource management, and time and billing.
   • Virtual organization searches for skilled resources.

What Is the Impact on the Computer and Communication
Infrastructure to Be Able to Implement B2B Capabilities?

   • Internet access.
   • Broadband width.
   • Security.
   • Project management schedules that include subcontracts (subnets) outside

      the organizational repository.
   • Resource management searches that extend across the Internet.
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