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work. There is a tendency to treat project management differently from other dis-
ciplines. Too many people, especially at senior levels, attempt to respond to cur-
rent crises with a quickie project management fix that fails to have depth,
breadth, structure, or commitment. We discuss why project management imple-
mentation programs fail, in Chapter 13.3.

   Chapters 13.4 through 13.6 deal with people. All the structure, processes, and
tools in the world can’t make project management work without the people want-
ing to and knowing how to make it work. In these chapters we offer a philosophi-
cal look at how people can work most effectively within a project management
culture. First, we look at the trend toward teams, task forces, and matrix organiza-
tions in a project management environment. We also offer some example of suc-
cessful team experiences. This is followed by a discussion on how to stimulate
initiative and innovation within a project management environment—taking a
look at the psychological contract. Then we look, briefly, at rewards in the project
management environment. If the team is sharing responsibility for project suc-
cess, shouldn’t they also be sharing the rewards? Easier said than done. But defi-
nitely possible.
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