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P. 129

Questions for discussion
       1. What type of power is most appropriate to your organizational and

            business needs?
            Reward power: The ability of an executive to reward desired
            behaviour or results.
            Sanction power: The use or threat of punishments to control
            Referent power: Leaders acting as role models for desired behaviours
            leading to looked-for results. Leaders who are imitated because they
            are admired. The ultimate charismatic leader.
            Status power: The formal and informal emphasis on age, role,
            experience and expertise in decision-making.
            Expert power: The exercise of power that comes from being “he or
            she that knows how”.
            Legitimate power: The development of rules, norms, policies and
            procedures aimed at ensuring that all fully understand that power is a
            function of organizational position and responsibility.
       2. Do any informal or formal rules or traditions exist in your company
            that get in the way of achieving goals?
       3. Where do such “rules” come from?
       4. How will you sweep them aside so publicly that everybody realizes
            that the way the game is played has really changed? As an example
            you might like to consider Bob Townsend’s suggestion that the
            quickest way to demonstrate that things are going to be “different
            around here” is to publicly fire some apparently fireproof barrier to
            progress. (Hopefully something a little less dramatic will suffice in
            your case after all, Bob Townsend also suggested that personnel
            managers should be “taken out and shot”.)
       5. Consider “referent power” again if you would please. Are you aware of
            any cases where a greatly admired leader has become a role model for
            all future generations to the degree that pale facsimiles of the original
            are now practising a leadership style that is out of tune with the
            present business needs?

       Situation two

       You have developed your team to the point where you are able to push deci-
       sion-making down to the lowest organizational level capable of making an
       informed choice. You have communicated your vision, values and objec-
       tives to all so that you can be sure of each individual’s absolute commit-
       ment to shared goals. You have passed a major decision to your people
       acting as a team. For organizational reasons you have taken their decision
       to your CEO for her to “sign off” on it. To your surprise the CEO appears
       to be at best lukewarm. “I think you ought to look at this again. It is your
       decision and I will back you if you choose to stick with it, but if you are
       wrong, and I think that you are, your neck will definitely be on the block.”
       You are convinced that the decision is right.

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