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pursuit of perfection many products reach the marketplace “too late and
       too expensive”. Conversely, of course, they may be the guarantors of the
       future of the company. The right questions asked at the right time can
       encourage the “boffins” to become business brains.

       Resource Those assets of a company that are used strategically and tac-
       tically to delight customers at a profit. People are not a resource of a com-
       pany, but their commitment, loyalty, knowledge, skills and behaviours
       often are.


       Sales force People whose views should always be listened to, but never
       acted on without verification. All right I am being a little unfair, but only
       a little. Reducing all prices at a stroke will not usually bring in more or
       better business. The sales force should be encouraged to identify the most
       profitable opportunities, to keep abreast of the most important emergent
       needs and desires of customers and to communicate this information along
       with all the supportive evidence. They should then be provided with all the
       tools that they need to win the most profitable business.

       Sector A carefully defined part of the market with needs and desires that
       you have, or can readily acquire, the competencies and strengths to fulfill.

       Segment A specified part of the total market with needs or desires that
       are satisfied by your existing product or service.

       Share capital Used to be the money that was invested in a company by
       its risk-taking shareholders. A growing burden of legal claims initiated by
       disappointed stockholders increasingly suggest that risk is a long way from
       their expectations.

       Star A relatively new product in a high growth market that is showing
       considerable sales growth, but requires serious investment to achieve its
       full potential.

       Strategic alliance An agreement between two companies to co-operate,
       sharing knowledge and sometimes resources to achieve a pre-determined
       set of business objectives that are to their mutual advantage.

       Strategic management The effective application of resources to
       achieve long-term objectives. This implies the equally effective use of
       resources today in order to survive to enjoy the long term. Arie de Geus has
       shown that companies that are successful over long periods tend to be
       frugal in the short term. It is essential for any company in an ever-faster
       moving business environment to ensure that they do well enough today
       not merely to survive, but also to build a fund to finance future changes of
       direction as the markets change.

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