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above the line marketing 229          benchmarking xv
Abrahams, Mike 64                     best practice xv
Accenture 13, 124                     best use of the best people 26–7
accrual accounting 229                Bill of Rights
achievement motivation 94
activity based costing 229–30            for clients 224–6
adjacent sectors/segments 230            for employees 37
advertising 152–5                     body language 181
                                      bookmarks 231–2
   and recruitment 38–9, 40–1, 42     Borgia, Cesare 189
affiliation 94                         Boston Consulting Group Matrix 232
affinity marketing 230                 BRAD 153
airlines 188                          branding 232, 233
American Marketing Association 150–2  Broad, Mary 203
Andersen Consulting 13                budgets 136–8, 232
appraisal 52–3                        burn out 35
asset strippers 230                   bus queue syndrome 205
assets 230                            business cycle 130–1
                                      business process reengineering (BPR)
   current assets 234
   fixed assets 236–7                        103, 232
   return on total assets 136         business to business marketing 232–3
attitudes 70, 185
audits 230                            capital 235
Auschwitz syndrome 59–60, 230–1          return on capital employed 136
average collection period 135–6          share capital 242
average total cost 231                   turnover of capital 135, 243–4
                                         undercapitalization 244
balance sheets 135–6, 231                working capital 132–3, 233, 245
balanced product offering 231
barriers to market entry 231          captive demand 233
behaviours 71, 185                    cash flow 132–3, 233
Belbin, Meredith 67                   change xvii, 100, 185, 188–93,197–8, 233
below the line marketing 231
                                         bus queue syndrome 205
                                         cost of change 190–1

                                      Index 247
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