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denial of change 189 creativity 50, 121–3
fear of change 190 critical success factors 234
rough change concept 198 culture 71–2, 234
change agents 233 current assets 234
charismatic leaders 83–93, 95 current ratio 135
Churchill, Winston 83 customer loyalty 8, 42, 134–5, 141, 235
Cialdini, Robert 17 customer needs and wants xii, 141–2
client Bill of Rights 224–6 customer proposition 234–5
closed questions xxviii–xxix, 181–2 Czech Republic 118–19
coaching xxiv
code of ethics 227–8 data xiv
cognitive map 183–4 databases 235
cognitive psychology 74 De Bono, Edward 122
commitment 50 De Geus, Arie xiii, xvii, xviii, 102, 130
common currency 189 debenture stock 131, 235
communication 71–2, 141 decision-making 49, 84–5, 98–102,
defensive communication 184
with profitable customers 8 125–8
comparative analysis 19–20 alternative choices 127–8
competencies xi–xiv, xviii–xix, 6–9, 10, cognitive map 183–5
consensus decision-making xvii, xx,
104, 234
competition, and teamwork 74 103
competitive advantage xvi, 21, 234 desirable outcomes 127
competitive analysis 19–20 essential outcomes 126–7
concerns 3–4 potential downside 127
conflict 74–6, 95–6 defensive communication 184
conglomerates 234 delayering 235
consensus decision-making xvii, xx, 99 delegation 55, 57
consortiums 234 Deloitte Consulting 216, 218
consultants 214–28 Deming Institute 205
Deming, W. Edwards 52
briefing 216 denial of change 189
client Bill of Rights 224–6 development capital 235
code of ethics 227–8 direct costs 235
interviewing 217–18 direct mail 149–50, 152
need to use 214–15, 222 domain names 235
relationship with 223 dominance see market
contingency plans 9
control 190 dominance/leadership
core workers 234 Donkin, Richard 181
corporate Alzheimer’s 58–9, 234 downsizing 58–61
corporate culture 71–2, 234 downtime 235
COST analysis 10 Drucker, Peter xv, 130, 188
activity based costing 229–30 e-commerce 164–75
average total cost 231 e-mail 149, 236
of change 190–1 e-mail marketing 150, 231
direct costs 235 economic analysis 20
fixed costs 237 employees
indirect costs 238
overheads 238 Bill of Rights 37
variable costs 244–5 right person for the right job 26–7
empowerment 53, 190
European Union 189
248 Index