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idiosyncrasy balance 82, 95                 Four Ps 237
   interference from past leaders 95–6         implementation plans 146
   motives to lead 96–8                        performance indicators 143
   Ohio-Fleischman test 44                     promotions 146, 148
   peer assessment 87–8                        relationship marketing 241
   pragmatic leader 93–4                       and sales reporting 147
   social leadership 108                    markets
leading questions 182                          barriers to entry 231
leapfrog mentality xv                          captive demand 233
learning 49, 196–203                           first-to-market advantage 236
   learning organization xvi                   fragmented market 237
   life-long learning xxiii–xxiv, 203, 239     key markets 6–7
   perception dynamics 202                     sectors/segments 230, 242
   plateau of learning 203                     time to market 243
   transfer of learning 200, 201–2          mentoring 226
Lee, General 96, 97                         Mikado, Ian 212
legislation 21                              mission 12, 13–17, 240
legitimate power 98, 100                    modifying 123
life plans 27–34                            morphological analysis 118–19
life span of corporations 189               mortgages 131
life-long learning xxiii–xxiv, 203, 239     motivation 26, 38, 54–6
lifestyles 30–1                                achievement motivation 97
Likert, R. 77                               Murdoch, Rupert 189
listening skills 101                        Murphy, Tom 71
long-term debt 131                          Myddleton, David 136, 244
Longstreet, General 102–3
loss leaders 239                            neurolinguistic programming 181
loyalty 8, 42, 77, 134–5, 141, 235          New Economy 164–75
Lucier and Torsilieri knowledge             NPV (net present-day value) 240
                                            NRV (net realizable value) 240
      research programme 196–9

McClelland, David 111                       objectives 22–3, 136–7
McKinsey 219                                   personal objectives 27–9
Mager, Bob 36, 52
major accomplishments 36–7, 40              obstacle handling questions 183
Maldives strategy 13                        Ohio-Fleischman test 44
market dominance/leadership xix, 76,        open questions xxviii, 180–1
                                            opportunities 5, 10
      140–3, 144–5, 239                     overheads 238
   and consultants 155–6                    overtrading 240
   Lambert Strategy Audit 156–61            owner’s equity 131, 236
market information plans 146
market research 239                         packets 240
market share 148, 241                       Pascale, Richard 96
marketing 142–61, 239                       pay and conditions xvii, 43
   above the line 229                       payback period 240
   advertising 152–5                        peer assessment 87–8
   affinity marketing 230                    people
   below the line 231
   business to business 232–3                  best use of the best people 26–7
   direct mail 149–50, 152                     life plans 27–34
   e-mail 150, 231                             see also recruitment
                                            perception dynamics 190, 202

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