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experimenting 123 Herzberg, Frederick 26
expert power 98 holding companies 237
explicit knowledge xiv, xvi hub and spoke system 67, 237
exploring 123 hyperlinks 238
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 236 Ideal Future 2–3, 12
fear of change 190 ideas workshops 190
FedEx 114–16 idiosyncrasy balance 82, 95
feelings 66 implementation plans 23
Feiger, George 219 implicit knowledge xiv
Figgie Corporation xii, 220–1 indirect costs 238
finance 130–8 inertia selling 238
influence psychology 183–6
accrual accounting 229 internal job applicants 40–1
balance sheets 135–6, 231 Internet 164–75
budgets 136–8, 232 interviewing
cash flow 133–4, 233
debenture stock 131, 235 consultants 217–19
gearing 131, 132, 237 job applicants 39, 45–51
long-term debt 131 intuition 66
mortgages 131 inventories 238
owner’s equity 131, 236
price earnings ratio 240 jargon 238
profits and losses 6, 130, 134–5 job experience 48
ratio analysis 135–6 job performance 36–7, 40
working capital 132–3, 233, 245
see also costs appraisal 52–3
first-to-market advantage 236 job purpose 35–7, 40
fixed assets 236–7 job standards 38, 40
fixed costs 237 Joyce, Bruce xxiv, 199–200
flexibility 69 judgement abilities 49
Four Ps of marketing 237
fragmented markets 237 Kepner, Charles 117, 118, 126
Furnham, Adrian 20, 123 key markets 6–7
killer question xxvi–xxvii
Gardner, Howard 82–3 knowledge management xiv–xvi, 70,
gearing 131, 132, 237
General Electric 37, 199 196–212, 236
General Motors 37, 126 background 206
Gerber, Michael 38–9 business purpose 206
Gers and Seward learning transfer core workers 234
drawbacks 207
study 201 research programmes 196–204
Gibb, Jack 184 self-assessment 208–10
globalization 237 sharing knowledge 67–8
goals and objectives 22–3, 136–7 systems availability 207
life goals 27–34 Lambert’s Laws of Business xxiv–xxv
Lambert’s Strategy Audit 156–61
habituation 16 leadership 2, 49–50, 77–8, 82–111
Hambrook, Don 196
Hamel, Gary xi, xviii, xxiii charismatic leader 83–93, 95
Hawthorne effect 237 and consistency 109
headhunters 237 effective leadership 109
game plan 107–9
Index 249