Page 99 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 99

ensure that the members of your team work well together in the interests
       of the greater team that is the business.

            n What are the values that my team share?
                – Are they consistent with the values of the total business?

            n Are my team happy to bring in newcomers or do they try to keep
                them out?
                – Do my team struggle on alone when people are ill or absent
                    even when help is freely available?
                – Have my team created norms or rules of behaviour that are not
                    understood by others?
                – Have they developed little rituals that do nothing other than to
                    identify who is “in” and who is “out”?
                – If I spoke to my team about the old concept of the “internal
                    customer” how would they react?

            n Are my people totally committed to the company strategy?
                – What is my evidence?

            n Do I need to do anything to integrate my team into the greater
                – What level of opposition would I raise if I tried?

            n Do I need to discuss this with my peers?
            n What values do my team share?

                – Do they value conformity and structure?
            n Are we in danger of creating a bureaucracy in turbulent times?

                – Do we value helping others?
            n Do we spend too much time and money delivering a service that is

                far more than is needed or appreciated?
            n Do we take on the responsibilities that should rightly fall on

            n Do my people make conflicting promises to other people and

            n Do they fail to keep promises because they offer the same resource

                to too many “customers” – internal and external?
                – Do my team value freedom?
            n Are they mature enough to recognize the difference between
                freedom and licence?
            n Are they disciplined in the exercise of freedom?

68 Key management questions
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