Page 105 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 105
Introducing new products and
services successfully requires: a)
sufficient expertise and resources, The Orange
b) a defined process and c) leader- Shag Rule
ship resolve.
But talking about expertise,
process and resolve is boring to After graduating college, I
everyone except engineers (and rented a home that would
people who introduce new prod- eventually accommodate three
ucts successfully). So, with apolo- friends and two dogs. Three
gies to David Letterman, here’s my years later, I married my
list of the top 10 reasons why your bride and we decided to rehab
next new launch will fail. the place. The first thing she
10. Science Run Amok. Com- wanted to change was the pole
panies use their research and de- in our living room that she
velopment capabilities to come said was covered with orange
up with unique products, instead shag carpeting. “What pole?” I
of making customer needs their asked. I insisted that it didn’t
starting point. They begin with exist. After four years, I could
what they are good at, as opposed no longer see it.
to what customers want. I will Research proves that people
readily admit that there are many don’t see things unless they
examples of revolutionary innova- are looking for them. As a
tion that started as a novel tech- leader, you have the opportu-
nology, but this isn’t repeatable. nity to help your team find the
For you to create an innovation orange shag — to fix things
machine, you must start with the they no longer see as broken.
notion that new products aren’t
bloodhounds that go find markets.
They must address an unmet need.
90 I F A I L , T H E R E F O R E I A M ( A N I N N O V A T O R )