Page 114 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 114

Chapter 7

How to Produce
Big Ideas on Demand

Freeing your mind to think in an innovative way can
be as easy as jumping in the shower and tuning out.

     What if I told you that you could come up with a great idea
anytime you wanted?

     I’ll go further. I can show you how to not only summon new and
innovative concepts on command, but also how to teach your people
the same skill.

     This may sound like an infomer-
cial (“Order our revolutionary sys-
tem within the next 20 minutes, and
we’ll throw in this set of steak knives
absolutely free!”), but it’s true.

     Here’s why. You undoubtedly
have too much on your mind. It’s
like driving during rush hour; you
are too busy dealing with traffic to
notice the scenery and enjoy the ride.

     The following practices eliminate mental traffic and help you lib-
erate the great ideas inside you desperately trying to get out. The fol-
lowing five techniques outlined have two things in common: they free
your brain to let your best ideas flow, and they are techniques we’ve
seen our most creative resources use again and again successfully.

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