Page 144 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 144

     Put simply, an insight is an understanding that helps solve a

problem. I tend to think about it this way:
     Fact + Reason Why + Friction = Insight
     Example: my boss needs insights because he wants us to be suc-

cessful at innovation, but he wouldn’t recognize a good one if it bit
him in the butt.

     So, what you are looking for is a need and some sort of friction
that keeps that need from being met. Here’s an example:

1. Fact: Moms want their kids            2. Reason why: Because
to eat a nutritious after-school snack.  they want their kids to grow
                                         up healthy (in fact, it is their

                                                                  3. Friction: But the on-the-go/
                                                                  in-the-car schedule makes it
                                                                  nearly impossible.

     Are the ideas starting to pop into your mind?
     The “but” statement ( ... but their kids are super busy and always
at an activity or in the car) points out the friction that we’re trying
to solve. It is what drives the ideas. The more people who have this
problem, the bigger the opportunity for your company. This is just
one insight—there are potentially hundreds more.

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