Page 139 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 139

Enesco was really good at selling ceramics to moms and grand-
mas and told us they wanted to sell something that would appeal to

                                         their kids and grandkids. At the time,
                                         a favorite idea was the Creatures of
                                         Delight® line. The Creatures were delib-
                                         erately hideous. They were brightly
                                          colored monsters, something that you
                                          might expect to find living under a log

                                           just east of Oz. Really creepy. But we
                                            thought, who knows? This might be
                                             just the kind of thing that kids might
                                             like. They buy Pokémon, right?

                                                  What made the idea incredibly
                          interesting to us was an insight that Enesco uncov-
    ered. They found that kids love to build relationships through
learning and exploring, but their new playground—the Internet—at
the time offered few appropriate options. Enesco thought that these
crazy creatures should have their own Internet world made just for
kids. Their idea was to sell the creatures with a code so that kids
could go online and unlock “Creature rooms” using their code, play
fun games and discover more about their creature friends. This, in
theory, would make them want to buy more creatures.

                                   Brilliant right? To us, it sounded like they
                                were on to something.*

                                      So we went about the work of creating
                                 the fantasyland that these Creatures would
                                 live in, full of techno-color landscapes, secret
                               passageways and games. We wrote descrip-
                             tions of each Creature’s likes and dislikes and
                          tried to give each its own special personality.

*Note: They were on to something. Just look at the success of Webkinz™
a few years later.

124 I G N O R A N C E I S B L I S S . I T I S A L S O E X P E N S I V E .
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