Page 151 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 151

     For many years, I was afraid to meet with researchers. I saw

them as people who stood in the way of my desire to create ideas.
The truth is, I’ve had one too many fastballs thrown my way by a
researcher bully who wanted to strut their
stuff by citing some obscure data point.
Research bullies are bad people and I
suggest you avoid them at all costs.

     But in my heart, I’ve always been
fascinated by human behavior and
psychology—two drivers of great research. I love understanding
how people’s fears and desires drive them to behave around prod-
ucts and services. Great researchers are curious people who know
how to use tools. They are people who can remain objective and
see things that others miss. And, as my experience with the bullies
shows, they are incredibly rare.

     Javier Flaim, expert researcher and partner at Maddock Douglas,

has come to believe that infusing outside perspective in even the most
traditional research methodologies (one example: focus groups) is one
of the simplest ways for any company to get from average insights to
breakthrough insights.

     Javi is a smart guy. Here’s how it could work. Simply invite an
outsider—someone smart who knows nothing about the business
idea being tested—to sit in and observe the focus group—and listen
to what they take away from the session. Remember: Idea Monkey’s
see things differently. Let them.

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