Page 156 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 156

Chapter 10

Social Media: Now and Forever

     Idea Monkeys often embrace technology and new concepts ahead
of everyone else. We need to catch up with them. That’s especially true
when it comes to new media.

     At Maddock Douglas, we believe this with all our hearts: while
social media is complex and often misunderstood, it has value
beyond traditional marketing. More specifically, we believe it can be
used to help form your marketing strategy and should be integrated
into all your communications, allowing your Idea Monkeys to suc-
ceed faster and have far greater impact.

     While many have been collecting friends on Facebook and follow-

ers on Twitter, we’ve been enthusiastically watching social media’s
           rise as an effective innovation tool. Innovation is about ideas
                and communication. Online communities are often a per-
                   fect place to find and test insights. Online influencers
                     are redefining the focus group. Best yet, when your
                       online influencers help you create new products,
                         services or business models, they become instant
                         ambassadors of your brand, creating the spark
                         effect that eludes so many companies. People sup-
                       port what they create.

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