Page 163 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 163

     I dare you (CMO, brand manager, PR communications specialist,

CRM manager or whoever you are) to have your company authen-
tically enter into the innovative realm of online social media, the
world of Facebook and other networking sites (or as it was briefly
known in shorthand, Web 2.0).

     Not ready yet? Afraid you won’t have control of what happens?
C’mon, I double dare you.

     Still not that daring? OK. If you won’t take the dare, you have to
tell the truth. Is your company customer focused?

     “Yes, of course” (you answer without thinking). Seriously now, be
honest. Does your institution really care about its customers or only
about itself?

     “Our customers,” you reply.
     I believe you. But what I believe doesn’t matter. And the fact is,
survey after survey says your customers don’t believe you.
     The reason is obvious. Your orga-
nization is seen as a corporation, and
corporations in the eyes of most peo-
ple are evil. Large companies—with
a 13 percent approval rating—rank
just above Congress and law firms
when people are asked to list the
most admired institutions in America,
according to Harris Interactive.
     In fact, if people were to anthropomorphize your organization,
your firm would be seen as highly antisocial at best and psycho-
pathic at worst. Yikes!

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