Page 166 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 166

Speaking of                                When engagement reaches this
the future . . .                      level of mutual involvement, we
                                      move into the third phase:
Close your eyes and dream with us.
What if R&D, marketing, finance,           Phase 3: Co-creating dialogue
planning, account services and cre-   (The place where your company
ative all got together for a day and  reaps the benefit of exchange.)
were capable of birthing an idea?     Once we have defined and built the
What some companies call depart-      right presence, along with craft-
ments and partners are too often      ing the appropriate, engaging con-
silos — emblems of inefficiency.      tent, we can begin fostering true
                                      exchange of ideas and emotions.
Cross-functional, open
teams are the key to driving               This is where your best ideas
industry-changing products,           can shine. We can create promo-
services and new business             tions, campaigns and conversa-
models to market. This is             tions based on user-generated con-
true whether you work in a            tent, and empower our customers
big company or a small one.           to not just be a part of our story,
                                      but to erase the line between “us”
To ensure that silos are not an       and “them.”
issue, some companies are even
putting these blended teams in             It’s important for your com-
another building — an Innovation      pany to support a presence in social
Center — and saying, “You             media. These new communities are
have one year to change our           irrevocably changing the landscape
world — go!”                          for marketers and how we commu-
More than a decade ago we moved       nicate and innovate. Increasingly
to an “open” innovation model that
enrolled leaders from each division
and outside experts from around
the globe. Today, being “social”
and being innovative are one and
the same.

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