Page 170 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 170

Chapter 11

Change Your Perspective,
Change the World


     In 2008, Oprah Winfrey created a short-lived reality series
called The Big Give. The premise was pretty simple. Each week, a
small group of people—chosen for their
dynamic personalities — was plopped
into a town and challenged to be more
creatively generous with a small
amount of money than the next
team. At the end of each episode,
the person who did the least with
their resources to benefit others was eliminated. This usually hap-
pened as I sat crying like a little girl in my living room. At season’s
end, the most creative giver was named the winner. The show was
kind of like The Apprentice with more heart—which is to say that
Donald Trump still hasn’t made me cry.

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