Page 173 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 173

Conscious Capitalism is a new way of thinking about your busi-
ness model: higher quality inputs = higher net income. It’s NOT a
new way of thinking about “social responsibility”—instead, it’s the
idea that an organization has an obligation to act in not only its own
best interests but to create value for all of its stakeholders (e.g., cus-
tomers, employees, suppliers, investors, society) as well.

     On the way back from the conference, Raff sketched the con-
scious capitalism framework in a way that borrows from Abraham
Maslow and his well-known hierarchy of needs, because he thought
it paralleled what good business looks like.

     The line on the right side of the chart shows that any conscious
capitalism movement requires clarity of destination. In our case
we want Maddock Douglas to be known as a company that makes
money—the middle layer—but more important, we want our people
to know what we believe (our purpose) so that everyone here can
work effectively in unison (which in turn will allow us to make more
money for our stakeholders and make more contributions to society).

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