Page 204 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 204

Chapter 14

Solving the Innovation Nightmare:
Why You Need To Be Ruthless


               If a CEO yells “innovation” in the forest but his management
                 team covers their ears, did he really yell anything at all?

     The news cameras roll as the CEO of one of the nation’s largest
companies boldly outlines his well thought-out, incredibly detailed
vision for changing his dinosaur industry. “Innovation will be the
cornerstone from which we build our future,” he says. “For too long,
we have relied on our great brand, loyal customers and fine work-
force to carry the day. But the world is changing and our customers
and shareholders are counting on us to deliver new products and new
services. Our competitors haven’t recognized this fact. But we have.
So from this day forward, I commit to create a culture of innovation.
We will be known as the company that reinvented our industry.”

     The next day, a huge plaque is hung in the corporate lobby that
boldly proclaims “Core Value #1: Innovation.” And you can tell that
the CEO believes this with all his heart. Like Paul on the road to
Damascus, he has seen the light.

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