Page 208 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 208


     I know this chapter may          “If you believe you can or
come across as a bit cynical, but  believe you can’t, you’re right.”
I am a truly hopeless optimist,
                                                 Henry Ford

so let’s get to some solutions.

If you are a bullish Idea Monkey or (Ring)leader,

here are a few tips that will absolutely make your

corporate lives better—and more fulfilling.

Let’s start with counsel for the CEOs or head Monkey—whether you

have the title or not.

     If you have people on your staff who don’t really believe change

is possible or that the old way is good enough, for God’s sake, release
them to find a more fulfilling destiny. If you don’t have the guts to
do it, then please stop saying that you are going to change the world
because your people simply won’t let it happen and you are going to
look like a fool.

     This is a nice way of saying that you should bring in leaders from

outside your industry. Einstein said, “One should not expect to solve
                               a problem with the same level of intelligence
                               that caused it.” Einstein was really smart
                               (about management, too, as it turns out). If
                               you have people leading your research, mar-
                               keting and strategy group with a combined 40

                         years of industry experience, they are about to help
you break your promise to your shareholders. Said differently, they
are rolling their eyes at you. “You don’t get it,” they are saying behind
your back. They know the rules. They know what’s possible. They
know what can and can’t be done. They can and will bend the data to
prove their points. Meanwhile, a competitive team with a combined
zero years of industry experience is about to reinvent your industry.

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