Page 210 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 210

     Every company has its own language when it comes to the inno-

vation process. As we mentioned earlier, many times this language
has been linked to past projects. For example, the last team that
created a “working prototype” may have overinvested in the expe-
rience and created unrealistic expectations for your team. That’s
why we encourage you to invent your own innovation language.
For example, calling something a “feedback concept” may be better
than calling it a working prototype. If you control the language, you
control the expectations.
Finally ...

     If you find yourself so afraid, so burnt-out, so cynical that you

can’t believe that a big idea is about to happen, it is time to move on
to the next challenge. You have the smarts, the experience, the skills
to become an amazing change agent in another industry! Go find it.
Your new peers will be amazed at how you can see things that they
can’t and have the solutions that have eluded them.

     What if your boss has been an industry expert for decades?

What if he keeps talking about innovation? What if your gut tells
you he is about to fail again? Bad news, your gut is right.

     Matt Kuttler founded, built and sold a promotions products
company, PhoneCard Express. Now he is running an office supply
company,, another firm of his own invention. Rick
Jamieson built and sold a successful accounting company. Now he
is busy reinventing the automobile service industry as CEO of ABS
Friction. Mike Michalowicz started a successful technology inte-
gration firm, then built and sold a data forensics company.

     At first glance, it may appear as if these guys are really lucky.
They may even tell you so. Dig deeper and you’ll see they have the
very thing you don’t look for when you hire your leaders: inexperience.

     Each and every time, they started a firm in an industry that
they knew almost nothing about. And therein lies a lesson for you.

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