Page 222 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 222
3. Learn from experts (fight fire with fire). If you bring in
Harold’s peers from parallel industries, they can share with him
emerging technologies, new techniques, new discoveries and new
ways of looking at old challenges.
What’s a parallel industry? One that does the same thing you do,
but is in no way competitive. Here’s an example. You’re in lawn care?
You are offering products that protect and restore (healthy grass).
What companies offer similar benefits, but for different things?
Makers of hair care and skin care products. You invite experts from
those fields who are just as technically quali-
Hmmm. fied as Harold to help you.
We’ve done that through expert roundta-
bles, lectures, field trips and online techniques
such as Webinars and virtual roundtables. The
results have been nothing short of stunning.
You might expect Harold to be offended or feel
challenged by the import of outside expertise,
but our experience has been that these tech-
niques are invigorating and liberating for him.
One of our Harolds left an expert roundtable with 17 (seventeen!!!)
pages of notes. Harold doesn’t feel threatened because these experts
aren’t directly in his field. Besides, they’re really smart—like him!
4. Arrange closed meetings with experts. What’s also effec-
tive with the Harolds of the world is having them work alone with
the outside experts. No one else allowed. For one thing, it appeals to
his ego. (We are only having the most important people meet.) And
for another, if there are only peers in the room, communication tends
to be easier and more candid. These outside experts can help Harold
by challenging his prejudices.
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