Page 223 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 223

5. “Harold, this is an intervention.” If the above strategies don’t
work or you no longer have the willpower left to make them happen,
just put this on Harold’s desk:

HEY LEADER, LOOK               Harold,
IN THE MIRROR                  This message is from someone in the
                               company who cares. I’d tell you who I am,
     It is easy to blame       but frankly I am afraid you might misinter-
chief executives and           pret this note as something other than
senior management for          an act of love or great respect.
not devoting enough
attention to introduc-         First of all, I want you to know that you are
ing new products, but          really, really, reeeeeeaaally smart. I learn
that is too simplistic an      from you every time we are together.
explanation for why radi-
cally new products are         I just wish, like the superhero that you are,
so rare. Us regular Idea       you would use your powers for innovation
Monkeys deserve some           good, not evil. Tell us how to construct new
of the blame for at least      ideas — don’t tell us why they won’t work.
four reasons:

     Successful, strategic innovations need more than a great
idea. There’s no shortage of new product concepts. We are willing to
bet you could come up with a handful of intriguing
ones in an hour if you set your mind to it.

     But new ideas by themselves are worthless.
You need to move from idea to execution, and that is
where the majority of companies stumble. You need a
new product development process—one that is codi-
fied, efficient and repeatable, and one that allows
you to turn a notion into something you can sell.

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