Page 65 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 65

DDoonT’this!                        2. The Challenge: Too many ideas.
                                      The way the complaint is usually
Be aware!                        presented: “We have hundreds of ideas.
                                 We need help figuring out which are the
Each department will per-        really big ideas.”
ceive needs relative to its           Solution: Congratulations on rec-
own expertise and experi-        ognizing what many leaders overlook in
ence. We recommend doing         the zeal to make a mark.
quantitative work to test             But know this: you don’t have hun-
insight platforms before         dreds of good ideas. You likely have
ideation.                        about ten—but which ten? Sit with
                                 the key influencer in each division of
Most will tell you that this     the company—the ones who you need
limits big thinking, because     to have on board to make things hap-
applying the filter of data      pen—and have them list each criteria
early on naturally eliminates    they require to rate an idea “excellent.”
some options.                         Sample Criteria might include:
                                      •	 In	market	in	18	months
Wrong. This simply assures            •	 $50	million	in	incremental	sales
that all of the new ideas align       •	 We	can	actually	manufacture	it
with the most important               Now, go back and use these criteria
customer needs—you want          and rank every concept you have. Take
people brainstorming in the      the winners through a formal innova-
right sandbox.                   tion process.

                                      3. The Challenge: “We know too

                                      The way the complaint is usually
                                 presented: “We know our customer
                                 better than anyone. But we’re unsure
                                 which of their needs to address first.”

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