Page 61 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 61

     Examples of not understanding the innovation formula (and sub-

sequent failures) are everywhere. A classic example of this concept is
TIVO. By now you know what a DVR does, but when TIVO launched
in the 1990s, nobody did.

     TIVO filled a general need: people were busy and they simply
could not stop their lives to watch their favorite TV show. TIVO had
an amazing technology (an idea) that would solve this problem: digi-
tal video recording—your favorite shows captured while you carried
on with your life.

     But since they were apparently not sure exactly how people
thought about lack of time, they were apparently unclear which of
the bevy of juicy benefits to talk about. You see, TIVO knew that they
not only helped you save time, they also:

     •	 F	 ound	and	recorded	your	favorite	shows
     •	 	Allowed	you	to	transfer	these	shows	to	VCR	tapes
     •	 L	 et	you	play	your	shows	in	

         slow motion or frame-by-frame
     •	 	Could	suggest	shows	you	

         should be watching
     •	 C	 ould	let	you	watch	live	TV	

         while it recorded up to two
         other different shows
     •	 W	 ould	help	you	record	in	high	
         def, low def, mid def ...
     •	 C	 ould	help	you	fly	.	.	.	kidding,	
         but by this point you’d think it should be able to
     In hindsight, I am pretty sure that the most relevant benefit of
TIVO at the time was that it was ten times easier to use than a VCR—
no switching tapes, no full tapes, no tapes at all. But because TIVO
did not know the primary need they were fulfilling, they told people
about a myriad of features and functions that left many confused
and frozen in their VCR world.

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