Page 59 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 59

        There are three ingredients to successful innovation.
        First, there must be a need or an insight. What problem does this

  idea solve? Is the problem important enough and big enough to elicit
  action and result in the required amount of cash flow? Have you
  identified the precise needs you’re fulfilling? Often a new product or
  service can fill many needs. You want to focus on the precise (big-
  gest, most pressing) one.

        Next (not first), you need the idea. What product, service or busi-
  ness model fixes the problem in an efficient, novel and proprietary
  way? You’re likely not the first person to notice this challenge. How
  have existing ideas failed to hit the mark?

        Finally, once you have the insight and idea, it is time to create
  the communication that connects the insight with your idea.

     Remember, a great idea poorly communicated is as
    ineffective as a lousy idea brilliantly communicated.

The wheel was not man’s first innovation. Several significant inventions predated the wheel by

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