Page 58 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 58

Hmm... 70,000
                                                     That is the number of thoughts
                                                     the human brain produces on an
                                                     average day.

     I still remember my wife starting to cry in a Walmart in Iowa
when she saw my idea being marketed by someone else. She had no
idea that I had dozens of similar, even bigger “big ideas” in a drawer
back home.

     Like I said, ideas are easy. Execution? Not so much.
     Today when I hear an executive tell me they need a new “big
idea,” I assure them that they are mistaken. They have people with
drawers full of big ideas. They likely have a few themselves. Most
leaders don’t need ideas, they need to understand how to execute
their best ideas and, more importantly, channel the Idea Monkeys
who have the potential to help bring the best ideas to market.


     So what stops people from bringing industry-changing ideas to
market? After seeing this “I’ve-got-a-big-idea-that-I-am-really-not-
going-to-do-anything-with” trend for many years, I believe people
freeze because they secretly fear failure. Perhaps they believe there
is more to innovation success than simply coming up with the big
idea. Newsflash: they’re correct.

     So, in an effort to better humanity (and keep you from seeing
your spouse cry in a Walmart in Iowa), I offer you the simple for-
mula that will consistently and systematically help you lead more
industry-changing ideas to market. (Imagine the friends and fame
you are about to attain. I’d uncork some champagne immediately.)

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