Page 8 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 8


     Thanks to the many people—clients and teammates—who have
helped create our unmatched Agency of Innovation® services. We are
grateful for your hard work, for your curiosity and for the inventive
mojo you share with the world every day.

     One of our core values at Maddock Douglas is “ideas from any-
where.” Our company has grown because of the hard work and dedi-
cation of MD team members, past and present, whose fingerprints
are all over this book. Thank you all for helping to create a platform
that inspires and empowers curious people.

     There are some MD peeps that contributed directly to this effort.
Special thanks to Jim Campbell, Caroline Courtois, Deanne DiVito,
Javier Flaim, Paul Grachan, Frank Grubich, Brett Miller, Stephanie
Savage, Doug Stone, Maria Umbach, Luisa Uriarte and McRae
Williams. While many were tempted to run when they saw us com-
ing, you bravely stood your ground and leaned into adversity.

     Thanks also to George and Nancy Maddock and Rafael and
Barbara Vitón. Now that we’re parents too, our goal is to instill an
indestructible sense of wonder and a hard work ethic that makes
witnessing serendipity much more likely. You folks gave us these
gifts and we’re eternally grateful.

     Finally, we thank our beautiful brides Ruth and Kelly for their
encouragement, laughter and hugs. You are two seriously hot mommas.

Most respectfully,

Mike & Raff
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