Page 91 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 91

The Sweet Feet (aka: Testicle Spectacle)
     What happens when a young man says, “I am the fastest guy

in the office,” in the presence of four other guys? Two pulled ham-
strings, a seriously skinned knee, a YouTube video, a “face plant,”

and weeks of unrelenting hazing. In case you are wondering, the
braggart was proven very wrong.

Design Your Own Scooter
     One of our clients wound up with a whole mess of Razor Scooters

left over from a promotion. They asked if we’d like some for our kids.
We had another idea. We organized the company into teams of five
and had a scooter decorating contest. Points were given for music,
costume and general scooter silli-
ness. Entries included:

     • The Flintstone scooter—
         complete with a coconut
         candle headlight and a
         leopard skin costume.

     • The California low-rider
         scooter—decorated with
         bling, red shag carpet and a rider covered in do-rags.

     • And the not-to-be-forgotten “Daddy got me a pony”
         scooter—my personal favorite.

     You can still ride these scooters around our office. A nice mem-
ory of a great party and childlike creativity.

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