Page 88 - Free the Idea Monkey
P. 88

Chapter 5

Laugh a Little, Innovate a Lot

  Fear is the mortal enemy of creativity,
  innovation and happiness.

                         —Alex Bogusky, advertising “it” boy

     How much fun are you having at work these days?
     Let’s face it. Having fun isn’t as easy as it used to be, even for
the most courageous, creative and curious. Today, just reading the
headlines can turn an energetic optimist into a fearful pessimist.
     Here is something that I discovered many years ago. It is impos-
sible to innovate effectively if you are afraid. Impossible. Nothing
kills great ideas like fear.
     So if you are an innovation leader —
(Ring)leader or Idea Monkey—in a company
that has become fearful, your people are on
the road to failure unless you can change your
     The good news is that fun is the antidote
to fear. Cue the circus music; it’s time to infuse
some fun into the workplace.
     The place to start? With you.

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