Page 137 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 137
121Chapter 9: Hiring Help for Your Marketing Program
ߜ What do you value in an agency?
Are you looking for an agency that specializes in a certain kind of media —
such as broadcast, print, online advertising, or direct mail? Do you want
an agency that specializes in the production of brochures and printed
material? Is it important to you that the agency can develop and imple-
ment cooperative advertising programs?
Are you seeking an agency that is known for its award-winning creative
work? Realize that clients pay for breakthrough creative advertising in two
ways. First, it takes time and therefore money to develop and produce
highly creative and attention-getting advertising. Second, it takes brave
clients to approve highly creative concepts. Clients of award-winning
agencies talk about the sweaty palms they experienced in approving both
the concepts and the budgets for ads that went on to win not just awards
but market share. Be sure that you’re willing to invest on both fronts if
“creative” is your highest advertising value.
ߜ What do you bring to the table?
To get and keep the attention of a good agency, you need at least one
and preferably two or all three of the following attributes:
• A good budget: You need a budget big enough to do the job and to
allow the agency a decent profit.
• A product or service around which an agency can create high-
visibility ads: Face it. Agencies want to produce work that will be
noticed by other clients. Certain kinds of products allow for more
attention-getting advertising than others do. Agencies throw in
nonbillable time and even forgo some profits to produce ads upon
which they can build not only your reputation but their own as
well. Such ads are the type that air on major stations or that run in
high-circulation consumer magazines versus low-readership trade
or business magazines.
• A client mind-set that allows for creative excellence: Agencies
lose enthusiasm quickly when clients deal out “death by a thou-
sand cuts.” If you want your agency to stay enthused and effective,
provide clear advertising objectives, maintain a streamlined and
efficient concept approval process, and allow the agency the cre-
ative freedom to do great work on your behalf.
Creating your agency short list
Make a short list of the firms that you believe fit your needs and provide a
good match for the attributes you seek in a marketing firm. In creating your
list, follow these steps: