Page 140 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 140

124 Part II: Sharpening Your Marketing Focus

                                    ߜ Schedule up to two hours for each agency presentation, with roughly
                                        half the time allocated to an informal question-and-answer period.

                                    ߜ Consolidate interviews so that no more than a week elapses between the
                                        first interview and the final analysis and decision.

                                    ߜ Tour each agency before the presentation unless the presentations are
                                        held at the agencies. Doing so gives you a sense of how each agency
                                        works and a feel for the atmosphere in which they create.

                                    ߜ Keep the interviews as relaxed as possible. The goal isn’t to put anyone
                                        on the spot or to watch rehearsed performances, but to learn how the
                                        agency interacts — among itself and with your team.

                                    ߜ Complete a worksheet following each presentation. This can be as simple
                                        as a list of attributes that are important to your business and a space to
                                        rank each agency on a 1–10 scale. For example, if “broadcast media plan-
                                        ning” is important to your business, list that category and rank each
                                        agency from 1–10 on how well it convinced you of its expertise in this
                                        area. Then compare your impressions of each firm’s capability to deter-
                                        mine which one seems to best address your needs.

               Putting the client-agency
               agreement in writing

                                 Most agencies prepare a contract that defines the role the agency is to
                                 assume for the client, the compensation arrangement, ownership of work
                                 produced under the contract, and how the relationship may be terminated. If
                                 your new agency doesn’t offer you such a contract or memo of agreement,
                                 ask for one and be certain that you both sign and keep a copy on file.

Good questions to ask agencies

When interviewing agencies, consider any of    ߜ How do you define “good advertising”?
the following questions to help determine the
agency’s mission, style, culture, and values:  ߜ If you had to name an attribute that sets
                                                   your agency apart from all others, what
ߜ How would you characterize the strengths         aspect would you spotlight?
    of your creative department?
                                               ߜ Would you mind if we talked with a few of
ߜ Do your copywriters and designers have           your current clients about their impressions
    direct contact with clients?                   of and experiences with your agency?
                                                   Could you provide us with several names?
ߜ How will your chief executive officer be
    involved or maintain contact with our
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