Page 200 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 200

184 Part III: Creating and Placing Ads

      Producing TV Ads

                                 People spend more time with the television than with any other advertising
                                 medium. I saw it on TV has become a mark of having made it into the adver-
                                 tising major leagues. To get there, though, be prepared to make a financial
                                 commitment. Successful television advertisers have two things in common:
                                 They earmark adequate ad production budgets and they fund media sched-
                                 ules that span at least a multi-month period. If you can do both those
                                 things — produce a quality ad and fund an adequate schedule — TV advertis-
                                 ing will deliver awareness and credibility for your business.

                                 If your market is limited to a concise geographic area, you can use the ever-
                                 increasing number of cable channels to air your ads at a fraction of the price
                                 of major station ad rates. But remember that even if the time charge is low,
                                 the production value of the ad you air needs to be high enough to represent
                                 your business well in this competitive advertising arena.

               Overseeing creation of your TV ad

                                 Notice that this section isn’t titled “Creating Your TV Ad.” Do not create your
                                 own television ad, your own marketing video, or any other moving-picture
                                 product. Ever.

                                 Why the insistence? Consider this: Your ad will play to an audience that has
                                 been trained to expect feature-film quality and Nike-style concepts. To com-
                                 pete on a small-business budget, you need a strong, simple ad concept and
                                 clean, well-edited visuals. The first step toward making a good impression is
                                 to get help from those who deal in television ads daily.

                          Hiring professionals

                                 As you select a creative partner, rely on the following resources:

                                    ߜ Advertising agencies: Big agencies serve major advertising accounts on
                                        annual contracts. They often accept large project work as well, but if you
                                        want to receive major attention for a fairly small project, interview small
                                        agencies to evaluate their talents, expertise, costs, and availability.

                                    ߜ Video production services: Look under Video Production in the Yellow
                                        Pages and you’ll find businesses specializing in everything from wedding
                                        memories to digital production. Look for a studio that offers creative
                                        services, script writing, production, and editing services.

                                    ߜ TV station production facilities: Local stations can create your ad for
                                        “almost nothing,” but get a bid anyway. To those who deal with TV
                                        advertising daily, “nothing” could be enough to break your bank.
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