Page 201 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 201

185Chapter 12: Broadcasting Ads on Radio and TV

Airing pre-produced manufacturer ads

High-quality, ready-to-air ads may be available to you through your manufac-
turers or dealers. The ads feature the manufacturer’s products, but they
include time to add a tag line directing viewers to your business. If you go
this route, consider the following:

  ߜ Run manufacturer ads only for products with major sales potential for
      your business and for which your business is the exclusive regional rep-

  ߜ The ads are likely to be of higher quality than you could afford to pro-
      duce on your own. By adding your own tag line, you’ll gain advertising
      visibility while benefiting your business through association with a
      major national advertiser.

  ߜ When airing manufacturer ads, contact the manufacturer to discuss the
      possibility of obtaining cooperative advertising support in the form of
      shared costs for the media placements.

  ߜ Ask your station to add your logo and tag line. In return for your ad buy,
      they will probably perform the service for free or close to it.

Television ad guidelines

You heard the advice loud and clear in the previous section: Don’t even try to
conceive, write, or produce your own TV ads. Bring in the pros and then
know what to look for as you evaluate their ad concepts and schedules.

The advice in Table 12-1 shows you what to aim for and what to avoid.

Table 12-1  TV Advertising Do’s and Don’ts

Do’s Don’ts

Do work to stir the emotions and         Don’t create ads that feature only a
imagination of your audience.            lineup of facts about your product or

Do focus on the viewer and how your      Don’t keep the entire focus on your

message will change the prospect’s life. product, company, or staff.

Do start strong. You have three seconds  Don’t save your punch line until the
to grab the audience.                    end — your audience may be gone by

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