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96 Steven Pressfield

                           You have done it!

Kudos to You

You’ve wrapped. You’ve shipped. You’ve licked this sonofabitch.

                               Kudos to you!

I salute anybody who took this vessel to sea and brought her
safely again into port.

              I stand in awe of anyone who
           hatches a dream and who shows
          the guts to hang tough, all alone,

               and see it through to reality.

I tip my hat to you for what you’ve done—for losing forty
pounds, for kicking crack cocaine, for surviving the loss of
someone you love, for facing any kind of adversity—internal or
external—and slogging through. I come to attention when you
walk past. I stand up for you like the spectators in the gallery
stood up for Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird.

If no one has congratulated you, I do that now.
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