Page 34 - DTW_Layout_v12_110304.indd
P. 34
Do The Work! 25
Did she analyze her design intellectually? No doubt. Did she
reflect on the utility of negative space and the power of what’s-
left-out? Of course. Did she assess with her intellect which as-
pects of the design would produce emotion and why? I’m sure
she did.
But all that is beside the point at this stage. Let the art historians
worry about that later.
Do you love your idea? Does it
feel right on instinct? Are you
willing to bleed for it?
Facebook in Three Acts
1. A digital commons, upon which anyone who wishes may
establish, free, his or her own personal “page.”
2. Each page owner determines who is permitted access to
his or her page.
3. Thus creating a worldwide community of “friends” who
can interact with other “friends” and communicate or
share virtually anything they want.
That’s Why They Call It Rewriting
The old saw says there’s no such thing as writing, only rewriting.
This is true.