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24 Steven Pressfield

Positively Fourth Street in Three Acts

   1. “You got a lotta nerve to say you are my friend ....
   2. “ ... when you know as well as me, you’d rather see me

      paralyzed ...
   3. “ ... you’d know what a drag it is to see you.”

The Vietnam Memorial

In three acts, on one sheet of foolscap:

   1. A wall with the names of the fallen in chronological
      order of the dates of their deaths.

   2. Wall set below the level of the ground in a “V,” extending
      from a shallow end to a deep end.

   3. Visitors descend to view the wall, which has no barrier
      to prevent them from touching the names of the
      memorialized or from leaving tokens of love or honor at
      the base of the wall.

At the conception stage, the artist works by instinct. What feels

                        What does she love?

Is this her pure vision? Does it feel so right to her that she can
dedicate the next X years of her life to realizing it?

Those were the only questions, at the start, that Maya Lin need-
ed to ask and answer.
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