Page 54 - DTW_Layout_v12_110304.indd
P. 54

Do The Work!  45

Your work-in-progress produces its own gravitational field,
created by your will and your attention. This field attracts like-
spirited entities into its orbit.

What entities?


You started with a few scraps of a song; now you’ve got half an
opera. You began with the crazy notion to restore a neglected
park; now the lot is cleared and you’ve got volunteers tweeting
and phoning at all hours. Your will and vision initiated the pro-
cess, but now the process has acquired a life and momentum of
its own.

The un-indifferent universe has stepped in to counter Resistance.
It has introduced a positive opposing force.

                 Assistance is the universal,
                immutable force of creative
            manifestation, whose role since
         the Big Bang has been to translate
            potential into being, to convert

                          dreams into reality.
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