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Do The Work!  51

The Wall

And then we hit the wall.

Out of nowhere, terror strikes. Our fragile confidence collapses.
Nighttime: we wake in a sweat.

             That “You suck” voice is back,
                        howling in our head.

Did we stand up to someone in authority over us? Now we crawl
back and grovel to him. Did we face up to someone who was
treating us with disrespect? Now we beg him without shame to
take us back.

              We’re poised at the brink of a
        creative breakthrough and we can’t

           stand it. The prospect of success
        looms. We freak. Why did we start

           this project? We must have been
          insane. Who encouraged us? We
     want to wring their necks. Where are
        they now? Why can’t they help us?
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