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50 Steven Pressfield
Ask yourself what’s missing. Then
fill that void.
Now We’re Rolling
We’re weeks into the project now. Good things are happen-
ing. We’ve established habit and rhythm. We’ve achieved
Ideas are flowing. Our movie, our new business, our passage
to freedom from addiction has acquired gravitational mass; it
possesses energy; its field produces attraction. The law of self-
ordering has kicked in. Despite all our self-doubt, the project is
rounding into shape. It’s becoming itself.
People are responding to us differently. We’re making new
friends. Our feet are under us; we’re starting to feel professional.
We’re beginning to feel as if we know a secret that nobody else
does. Or rather, that we’ve somehow become part of a select so-
ciety. Other members recognize us and encourage us; unsolicit-
ed, they proffer assistance—and their aid, unfailingly, is exactly
what we’ve needed.
Best of all, we’re having fun. The dread that had hamstrung us
for years seems miraculously to have fallen away. The fog has
lifted. It’s almost too good to be true.
And then ...