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P. 78

Do The Work!  69

   6. To prove my old man (or ex-spouse, mother, teacher,
      coach) wrong

   7. To serve my vision of how life/mankind ought to be
   8. For fun or beauty
   9. Because I have no choice

If you checked 8 or 9, you get to stay on the island. (I know I said
there was only one correct answer. But 8 and 9 are really one.)

If you checked any of the first seven, you can stay, too—but you
must immediately check yourself into the Attitude Adjustment

The Attitude Adjustment Chamber

Did you ever see Cool Hand Luke? Remember “the Box”? You
don’t get to keep anything when you enter this space. You must
check at the door:

   • Your ego
   • Your sense of entitlement
   • Your impatience
   • Your fear
   • Your hope
   • Your anger
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