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Do The Work!  81

              The solution was mechanical.

It was like saying “Get the drive-wheel back on the pavement;
then the car will come out of the ditch.” Or “put the ship-date
off one month to give us time to repair the glitches first.”

            It worked. It took an extra year,
                  but it solved the problem.

And yes, the book did crash a second time after that, requiring a
second trip back to Square One.

What else is new?

Moby Dick When It Crashes

Just for fun, let’s imagine that Moby Dick crashed 9/10ths of the
way through and Herman Melville texted us in a panic, pleading
for help. What would the rescue operation look like?

We hurry over to HM’s house and read the manuscript. Mel al-
ready has feedback from other friends and colleagues. All agree
the book isn’t working. We ask our Big Question: “What’s miss-
ing?” The consensus focuses on the captain.

One comment: “He’s kinda like Captain Queeg, an unbalanced
neurotic.” Another: “He reminded me of Captain Bligh—an
autocratic prick.”
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