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76 Steven Pressfield

our craft. A crash compels us to figure out what works and what
doesn’t work—and to understand the difference.

We got ourselves into this mess by mistakes we made at the start.
How? Were we lazy? Inattentive? Did we mean well but forget
to factor in human nature? Did we assess reality incorrectly?

        Whatever the cause, the Big Crash
            compels us to go back now and
           solve the problem that we either

         created directly or set into motion
                   unwittingly at the outset.

Sartre said “Hell is other people,” but in this case, hell is us.

Panic Is Good

Creative panic is good. Here’s why:

         Our greatest fear is fear of success.

When we are succeeding—that is, when we have begun to over-
come our self-doubt and self-sabotage, when we are advancing
in our craft and evolving to a higher level—that’s when panic
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