Page 106 - Social Media Marketing
P. 106

Assembly Line Selling 87

                            Not Perfect, but Good

I won't kid you and say all my systems are perfect. They're not.
We make mistakes, too. We're always tinkering with our systems.
We create new ones all the time. They can be challenging to set up,
but eventually they run well. The proof is in the volume that we've
been able to do; no one agent working alone could possibly handle
more than 500 home sales a year without excellent systems.

   So take your time, set up your systems, and if they don't work
like magic, then make adjustments until they do. If you do things
methodically, you can get to the next level.

 o Have I performed a step-by-step analysis of each process in

     my business?

 o Have I reduced each part of this process to a checklist,

     complete with the detailed steps that make up each stage?

 o Have I trained my assistants to follow the checklist for each

     and every transaction?

 o Do I allow my assistants to customize my systems to fit their

     own work habits?

 o Have I developed systems to cover my prospecting,

     paperwork flow, promotional activities, and all other aspects
     of my business?

 o Do I have a business plan?
 o Is my business plan written down? Is it available for my

     employees and advisers to read and understand?

 o Does my business plan outline my goals, both short term

     and long term?

 o Does it go into detail about my sources of income, expenses,

     and schedule?

 o Do I follow my plan or amend it if I find I can't follow it?
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