Page 107 - Social Media Marketing
P. 107



   Every weekday, I spend one hour making 100 phone calls.
               I call it my Hour of Power. I select a group of people I
want to contact. The group may consist of the people I work with on
the Macomb County Voice (a community blog we created). It might be
the top-selling real estate agents I know through Star Power. It might
be talking with Power Team Leaders across the country, Macomb
County Habitat for Humanity Board Members, community leaders,
or coaching clients. It might be people I sold houses for or those I
sold houses to. I tell everyone in the office that my Hour of Power is
about to commence, and they know not to disturb me. Then, I shut
myself in my office and start dialing.
   If someone answers, I deliver my energetic greeting, ask them
how they're doing, and perhaps mention one of the details I've
recorded in my contact-management program; maybe it's their an-
niversary or one of their children's birthdays. If nobody answers,
I move on to my next call. If I get the answering machine, I leave

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