Page 232 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 232

stroke	or	watching	Susie	die	of 	ALS	was	horrible.	Quality	of 	life	is	very	important	to	me.	And
the	quality	of 	my	life	has	been	more	than	I	could	have	ever	wished	for.	As	a	kid	I	always	wanted
to	 be	 a	 doctor,	 and	 I	 became	 one.	 Your	 mom	 and	 I	 have	 had	 a	 wonderful	 life	 together.	 You	 and
your	brother	turned	out.	I’ve	basically	done	exactly	what	I	wanted	to	do	with	my	life.	And	that’s
all	you	can	ever	ask	for…that	and	more	time	to	enjoy	it.”

    It	was	one	of 	the	most	beautiful	moments	I	have	ever	shared	with	my	dad	and
without	the	#5SecondRule,	I	wouldn’t	have	found	my	courage	to	ask	the	question.	I
just	sat	there	in	the	back	of 	that	cab	and	took	it	all	in.	And	then	he	added	this:

    “Actually,	there	is	one	thing	I	want	to	do,”	he	said,	“I’d	like	to	see	Africa.	And	if 	I	make
it	to	90,	I	want	to	jump	out	of 	plane	like	George	H.	Bush	did	on	his	90th	birthday.”

    I	laughed.	“You	will	dad,	you	will.”

    That	conversation	with	my	dad	reminded	me	of 	something	important.	Waiting
for	the	right	time	to	get	real	in	your	relationships	is	a	fool’s	errand.	There	is	no	right
time	to	have	the	conversation,	ask	the	hard	questions,	say	“I	love	you,”	or	take	the
time	to	truly	listen.	There	is	only	right	now.

    Sometimes	 it’s	 not	 merely	 a	 hard	 question	 that	 you	 need	 to	 ask.	 It’s	 actually
ending	 the	 silence	 between	 you.	 It	 had	 been	 “years	 since”	 Cortney	 let	 her
relationship	 go	 with	 her	 father,	 but	 she	 had	 been	 wanting	 to	 make	 amends.	 She
didn’t	“pass	out	or	over	think	it,”	like	she	would	have	in	the	past.	Instead,	she	used
the	#5SecondRule	to	trust	her	instinct	and	just	pick	up	the	phone	and	call	her	dad.
She	just	“said	out	loud	5-	4-	3-	2-	1	and	just	hit	call	and	did	it.”

    It	only	takes	five	seconds	to	change	your	life.
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